How does the Card Game Simulator work?
Public card game sets (Jass and Poker) and games by René Jossen (Queig / Employer) are provided without rulesets. The players communicate independant of the card game simulator (e.g. via a videoconference), which game they want to play by what rules.
How to use
On a tablet or smartphne, the cards can be moved with the finger. Cards are turned via tapping. On a computer, cards are moved with the mouse and turned with a click.
Cards with an orange border are public and everyone can move or turn them. Cards with a blue border are yours and only you can move or turn them. Cards with a red border belong to someone else and can only be handled by this person.
Each card on the table (brown square) can be seen by everyone the same way.
Cards in the area «your hand» can only be seen by you.
When the zoom is activated, you can make cards bigger by clicking or tapping them. While zoom is active, you can't move or turn any card. If someone else moves a zoomed card, it will unzoom immediately.
Turn cards between hand and table
With this function activated, cards are automatically backside up on the table and frontside up in your hand.
Cards will be shuffled. Clicking on this button will turn it red for everyone. Another person must confirm the shuffling of the cards.
Turn cards
All cards are turned to backside up. Clicking on this button will turn it red for everyone. Another person must confirm the turning of the cards.
All cards are moved back to their original position. Clicking on this button will turn it red for everyone. Another person must confirm the reset.
Price / fees
The card game simulator is completely free and is created/financed privately. Voluntary backing can be sent via PayPal ( or Twint (+41 76 534 68 53). Thanks!
No personal data is recorded. does not set any cookies. No analysis is performed. No statistics are created.
legal notice
Provider René Jossen Fluhgarten 3 CH-6037 Root +41 76 534 68 53 |
Serverhosting Hostpoint AG St. Dionysstrasse 31 CH-8640 Rapperswil-Jona |